Trigger Point Injection

Sometimes muscles and their corresponding nerves can become overactive and cause a sustained contraction. This can feel like a knot or a tight band of tissue. When these muscles are squeezed they cause pain and sometimes that pain even spreads to other areas.  These “tight areas” are known as trigger points.  Trigger points may even cause pain spontaneously. Trigger points do not resolve on their own.

Trigger points can cause pain in the head, face, and neck and are common in those suffering from a a TMJ disorder. Trigger point injection therapy helps to reduce these pains.  The mechanical needling helps to breakup the muscle tension. Often a solution, such as lidocaine is injected into the issue.  This helps to reduce pain. The overall process helps to decrease hypersensitivity of the nerves and over activity of the muscles.

After trigger point injections, often patients describe feeling less tense or strained, or “looser.”